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"As a dietitian for almost 25 years, I have never felt more meaning in my clinical practice as I have for the last 7 years, after switching to the whole food, low carb approach. The successes that my clients are experiencing, while somewhat effortlessly managing weight, blood sugar and chronic conditions, improving sports performance, and enjoying great health, is extraordinary. It’s quickly gaining momentum, and is revolutionising both my dietetic practice and my overall job satisfaction"
Dr Caryn Zinn

"We have started a low-carb clinic in our general practice offering low-carb nutrition to patients. To say it has taken off would be a massive understatement. Our patients are doing so well, losing weight and bettering their health, we have more patients signing up weekly and now we are going to make its own stand alone practice"

"It took me some years to work around the overall health benefits of Low Carb Healthy Fat living for myself and my patients.
Once seen they can never be unseen.
Every forum that brings practitioners and community together makes a difference. LCHF is a life and game changer for both.
Dr Gary Fettke

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