Welcome to the Low-Carb Practitioners Directory

Worldwide directory of Low-Carb Practitioners
Low-Carb Practitioners is part of Ditch The Carbs.com. It is a free service that allows you to find a practitioner near you.
About Low-Carb Practitioners
Low-Carb Practitioners Directory has been created after being asked every single day to recommend a local practitioner who is low-carb friendly. As Ditch The Carbs has an international audience, creating a directory website was the answer.
This website has been started to help people like you, find a low-carb practitioner in your local area or online.
But I also wish to offer a place for education for low-carb practitioners and their patients.
To introduce them to the incredible health benefits of living low-carb.
The current food pyramid is fading away, saturated fat is no longer feared, sugar and ultra-processed carbs are the real cause of so many nutrition related diseases, and the cholesterol hypothesis of causing heart disease is well and truly over.
As a pharmacist, I saw the complications from chronic high blood sugars. I saw patients who couldn’t manage their medications nor their blood sugar levels.
I do not give advice via my website as major lifestyle changes, especially those that require titration of medication, cannot be done without a full and thorough medical history taken and full, ongoing support with medical professional advice.
And this is why we need more low-carb practitioners - worldwide.
Financial Declaration
Here at Low-Carb Practitioners, Ditch The Carbs and Ditch The Carbs PRO we refuse company sponsorship, we refuse sponsored posts, we refuse paid articles to endorse company products.
We receive funding from advertising, eBooks, a paid membership site, and affiliate marketing such as Amazon. This funding allows the websites to continue and grow, to allow us to give away almost all our content free, funds video production, staffing costs and ever-escalating technical and support systems as we continue to expand.
Advertising only appears on Ditch The Carbs.com.
Ditch The Carbs PRO.com and Low-Carb Practitoners.co are free of any paid advertising.
Companies never influence what we write and publish and do not interfere with our editorial integrity.
All opinions are our own and are not influenced at all by any outside company. This is to ensure integrity and trust.
I am a participant in the Amazon Services, LLC. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties. There is no additional cost to you.
Medical Declaration
We do not and will not give medical advice.
Nothing written on the sites indicated here can be taken as medical advice. Before undertaking a new lifestyle change, you must seek medical advice. The opinions on the sites indicated here are not intended as medical advice and should not be taken as medical advice.
Any lifestyle change may affect your health. Please ensure you are under appropriate medical care. Ensure your medication and blood results are reviewed regularly. Dietary changes may change your biological markers such as blood pressure, lipid profile, blood glucose control, inflammation, weight and need for medication. This website is not meant for individual advice as you need to be seen by your doctor or dietician for this on a regular basis.
The website is to inspire and help those who choose to eat this way and help you with practical ideas. It is not meant as a substitute for medical advice or medical treatment.
All nutritional panels are calculated using cronometer.com. Nutritional values may vary depending on which brand of food you buy. For accuracy, please calculate your own nutritional values. They are indicative ONLY.
I/we disclaim any and all liability of any kind with respect to any act or omission wholly or in part in reliance on anything contained in this website.
AMAZON DISCLOSURE: We participate in the Amazon Services, LLC. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties. There is no additional cost to you. This website may contain additional affiliate links, that earn a small commission, at no cost to you.
Copyright 2023 Low-Carb Practitioners all rights reserved.
Is it possible to allow searching the directory by town or city? Queensland covers a large area and I’d like to find a practitioner closer than 4 hours drive away. Thanks
Australia consists of 5 states and two territories. The capital of Australia is Canberra (No it’s not Sydney) which is in the Australian Capital Territory. Your search options for Australia only includes states.