VIDEO Library
Presentations, interviews and news
Recommended Low-Carb Videos
Each video is broadly categorised into the following:
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Diabetes Management - T1D, T2D
- Dietary Guidelines, Politics and History
- Fasting & Time Restricted Feeding
- Insulin - Insulin resistance, Hyperinsulinemia
- Lipidology
- Low-Carb Lessons
- Metabolic Health
- Nutrition & Weight loss
Consequences of Ketogenic Diets in Cancer
Dietary Recommendations for Cancer/Warburg Metabolism
Tumor Metabolism and the Ketogenic Diet
Cardiovascular Disease
Coronary Calcification - and Fixing the Root Causes of Heart Disease
Stents & Statins - Do they work? A top cardiologist's view
An Assessment of Cardiovascular Risks of a Low Carbohydrate, High Fat Diet
Is a Ketogenic (Low Carb) Diet Heart Healthy?
Primary Causes of Heart Disease - Framingham and the Muddy Waters
Why LDL cholesterol goes up with low carb diet and is it bad for health?
Diabetes Management
I Manage My Type 1 Diabetes By Eating LCHF
The perfect treatment for diabetes and weight loss
What if we're wrong about diabetes?
Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines
Low Carb Nutrition for T1DM
My Healthy Type 1 Son
Dietary Guidelines, Politics & History
Big Fat Nutrition Policies
Statin Wars: Have we been misled by the evidence?
Ruminant Reality: Diet, Human Health and the Environment
Low Carb and Public Health
Marketing food to children
Should dietary fat guidelines have been introduced?
What's a Food Industry to Do?
Appropriate Dietary Guidelines for Improving Population Health
Sugar: The Bitter Truth
Fasting & Time Restricted Feeding
Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique
Why When You Eat Matters
Fasting Strategies for Metabolic Health
Insulin - Insulin Resistance & Hyperinsulinemia
KRAFT - Father of the Insulin Assay
Hyperinsulinemia and Kraft
Basics of Cholesterol Part I - Standard Test
Diet Doctor Podcast #8
Diet Doctor Podcast #9
The Dynamic Influence of a High Fat Diet on Cholesterol Variability
A Deep Dive into Cholesterol and Risk
The Straight Dope on Cholesterol
The Cholesterol Myth: Heart of the Matter
True Causes of Heart Disease are Not What You Think!
Blood tests on a ketogenic diet - what your cholesterol results mean
Low-Carb Lessons
What is Insulin Resistance and Hyperinsulinemia?
Busting The 5 Top Nutrition Headlines
How to calculate macros - using the insulin index and keto score
The 7 Steps For Behavioural Change
How To Be Fab Fit And Fifty Plus
What Is Cholesterol? Is it all bad?
Metabolic Health
Insulin vs. Ketones - The Battle for Brown Fat
he Story of Fat: Why we were Wrong about Health
Insulin vs. Glucagon: The relevance of dietary protein
Nutrition & Weight Loss
Maintaining weight loss and T2 reversal - How sustainable is it?
Why We Get Fat: The Diet/Weight Relationship, An Alternative Hypothesis
Low Carb Diet: Fat or Fiction? Does it work?
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