
Triple board-certified cardiac anesthesiologist. I work very carefully with human metabolism both in the perioperative setting and outside of the hospital.


I am a registered UK family doctor (qualified 1986) who worked as a safeguarding children’s doctor for several years as well as a family GP. My website helps people…


I found many, many areas of medicine I liked in my years of study and practice. That’s why family medicine and the variety it offers is such a good fit…


We run a free weekly Low Carb Healthy Fat Support Group at our practice on Tuesday evenings 7pm-8pm, for anyone who would like to attend. At this meeting we share…


…pressure, improve & even reverse diabetes, improve fatty liver & reduce the frequency of migraines. LCHF is the most exciting thing to come my way in 30 years of medicine….


I support women through their pregnancy, labour and birth and early post partum. Providing monitoring for you and your baby, ordering blood tests and scans as required and offering lifestyle…


…stored fat. I created The Real Food Formula to harness the power of LCHF into a 12-week comprehensive program that works. This is the secret to weight loss that I…


ProLongevity involves a careful analysis of what triggers YOU to experience blood-sugar spikes. The ProLongevity service involves attaching a continuous glucose monitor, or CGM, to your arm. We monitor the…
