Sarah Flower

Registered nutritionist Nutritionist
Specialties: ADHD, Allergies, Alzheimers, Anxiety, Autoimmune diseases, Coeliac, Depression, Diabetes Type one, Diabetes Type two, Eating Disorders, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Food Sensitivities, Gestational Diabetes, Gout, Gut health, Heart disease, IBS, Insulin Resistance, Mast Cell Disease, Menopause, Mental Health, NAFLD, PCOS, Parkinsons, Pre-Diabetes, Thyroid dysfunction, Weight loss
Contact Details
07545 287816
Holmedale Health
34 Denmark Road
Nutritional Medicine, Nutritional Therapy, Iridology
Sarah Flower, D N. DN Med D Iridol FNTP
Sarah is a nutritionist and also the author of 20 books, including Eating to Beat Type 2 Diabetes, The Low Carb Slow Cooker and The Sugar Free Family Cookbook, advocating a low carb way of eating in order to help bring Type 2 Diabetes and its associated conditions into remission.
Sarah has placed her own clients suffering from type 2 diabetes onto this way of eating with amazing results. They experienced weight loss, increased energy levels and – most importantly – they saw their blood sugar levels decrease to a normal range so that they were able to come off medication, including those for hypertension, depression and statins.